Friday, September 25, 2020



As dawn broke behind me smoke bruised the distant horizon. The morning weatherman mentioned that Wisconsin would begin to see noticeable effects from the massive wildfires a couple of thousand miles away. The urgency to get to Oregon and back initially had me consider taking the main highways all the way. Once I realized it would take three days to get there, no matter which way I went, I began to pace my journey and just ramble.

My own troubles sunk into the ancient bedrock. The oceans that once flourished over this land left little evidence of it’s passing. It’s packed layers of compressed remains nestle dark, misshapen voids of dissolved matter that can never be remembered. It’s not unlike the porous-like nature of my relationships with those I’ve truly hurt. Little tiny vugs of blackness fill me with those moments in which I’ve truly wounded other souls. Each chamber hollowed out nothingness. Lost forever. They’ll be the only sign of what will be left of my personal mass extinction of self loathing moments in time.

Passing through the lush and fertile ridges I let myself just head West. Driftless hills carried me towards the Mississippi.

I had to get Peggy.

#GottaGetPeggy #OIIIIIIIO #JourneyToTheWest

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