Monday, February 11, 2013

The First Week of February

February 7, 2013

Easy pickings shooting the kid and her kitty! Somedays it's easy doing this photo a day stuff. Not super interesting, but easy. Sometimes I'll take easy, especially on a Thursday...

February 6, 2013

After Teri came home from work I had a chance to go for a quick drive. I wanted to explore around the Blue Mounds area. I found my way down a winding ravine where I spotted an old barn. Stopping to quickly shoot it, I didn't think I'd gotten anything. It wasn't until I came home and looked at the image that I saw I had something I sort of liked.

February 5, 2013

Tuesdays we have dance class at Forte Studios. The kids are in a closed dance studio, and the parents watch through a oneway, smoked mirror. I thought I'd try to shoot Freja through the glass. I ended up chatting with a couple of the parents more than trying to shoot. Perhaps next week I'll figure out how to get a decent shot...

February 4, 2013

Freja and I took little Merida to the Mount Horeb Animal Hospital for a check up. I let Freja handle the kitten, and let her feel as if she was in charge of taking care of it. She even got to listen to its heart!

February 3, 2013

Sundays don't get much better than this one. It was a sunny, crisp day. While the girls when to yoga class I had an hour to go for a quick drive. I didn't go far, just around the roads to the north of our home. There's a particular ridge there that caught my eye.

We had a great day! All three of us had fun, and I prepared a nice dinner, and had a friend over to watch the Superbowl! What an exciting game too! The kid even got to make cake, and lick the beaters. Hands down, one of the best Sundays we've had.

February 2, 2013

A friend we'd not seen for a few months came over for lunch today. While she and my wife chatted, I prepared a simple soup. Afterwards the kids had a turn at making something together.

February 1, 2013

It was a quiet day at home for all of us. Teri had a few conference calls, I made food, built a fire, and the kid played with painting. We all simply enjoyed being home.