Having no real knowledge of Peggy’s medical condition, other than “Coughing = Death,” I tried to keep to myself so as not to catch the Covid. For months now I’ve been very removed from mankind. Kicking around tiny patches of natural prairies and savannas as I struggle to keep my sanity in this ever more crazily unfolding world. Islands of native soil either tiny, roughly terrained remnants or restored patches of plowed or grazed land.
My goal was to make it all the way to Peggy with as little risk of Covid exposure as possible. I wasn’t going to kill anyone. Especially the woman I was being asked to go save.
So to that end I found hidden places to stretch my legs. I’d sometimes take photos and do my martial arts warmups. I had a long way to go and gravel roads make for slow progress. I felt like a bootlegger trying as I made my way undetected to go get Peggy and bring her home.
**Note how harsh the lighting is from the very high layer of smoke particles filtering out the sun’s full spectrum of colors. It’s not dissimilar to my own internal, smoke filled skies.**
#GottaGetPeggy #OIIIIIIIO #JourneyToTheWest