The Path, The Way The Eightfold Noble Path: 1 Right Understanding, Right Vision 2 Right Thoughts 3 Right Speech 4 Right Action 5 Right Livelihood 6 Right Effort 7 Right Mindfulness 8 Right Concentration, Meditation
So many teachers. So many books. In looking for a source I discovered the Tripiṭaka. Thousands of teachings from the Buddha, all written around 500 BCE. I will try not to let the overwhelming nature of trying to learn about something I never, at any previous point in my life, considered learning. I am but an infant. I am not even certain that I want to be a Buddhist. My curiosity, as well as the intriguingly positive effect finding my way to the Temple, has me. And so I am slowly beginning to investigate. What is most interesting to me is the absolute effect spending time on the Monastery grounds has had on me. I am as a stray cat that literally wandered out of their woods.