Sunday, January 1, 2017

Moen Creek - Beaver Dam

I took a stroll along Moen Creek in Stewart Lake. There appears to be a partial beaver dam on the little stream. It was an ideal location for an awesome beaver pond but it would have totally flooded over the only road. You can see where it was taken down along the waterway before it became too deep. What's still there is impressive. The engineered it with a really big tree with an extensive root system to be the dam's keystone. I also found some areas of the park I've not seen yet.

Moen Creek - Beaver Dam

Skogtroll Lair Perhaps?

As I explore part of Stewart Lake I'd only driven past I spotted what appears to be a possible lair. A forest troll's perhaps? I can just feel those moss rimmed eyes peeking at me from behind fingers textured like old roots...

Skogtroll Lair Perhaps?